速報APP / 音樂與音效 / King of Clubs

King of Clubs





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:BNY Mellon Center 1735 Market Street Suite 3750 Philadelphia, Pa. 19103

King of Clubs(圖1)-速報App

King of clubs is a new interactive DJ based mobile app that offers you the club mix vibe and DJ culture to all your mobile IOS and Android devices.

The app features select DJ's and their premium tracks, selected by music producer Paul Castro, who hosts the King of Clubs Music App. Join Paul and other DJ's as they explore the DJ culture around the world. Download the FREE app and bring DJ Paul Castro's vision to life, which is to provide a venue for fans to connect with DJ's from around the world thru a virtual music media platform.

Play new mixes never before head, share them, and interact with your friends on King Of Clubs Music App.

Features include:

- Listen to Select DJ Mixes

King of Clubs(圖2)-速報App

- Push Notifications

- Create a Personal Account

- List of Premier DJ's

- Nat'l List of Hottest Clubs

- Events calendar

King of Clubs(圖3)-速報App


- Rewards & Perks programs

- Merchandise store

- Interactive features

- Shout Out

King of Clubs(圖4)-速報App

- Exclusive new Releases from Vinyl Architect Music Label

King of Clubs(圖5)-速報App